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This invention relates to non-contact monitoring devices, and more particularly, non-contact respiration monitoring devices. According to the invention there is provided a monitoring device having a body defining an air monitoring channel between an air inlet and an air outlet. Disposed in monitoring channel is a respiration detection means, such as a flap-valve, which operates with associated logic circuitry to report the presence or absence of respiration via visual and audible displays. The device may be configured to attached, or be integrally connected to, the air input orifice of an air filter canister of a gas mask or the like. Alternatively, the device may be associated with the air output orifices or valves of a gas mask or the like.

Docket:MMDA 2002-25

Publication/Issued No.:7,169,112

Publication/Issue Date:2007-01-30

Categories: Device

More Detail:Visit USPTO.GOVExternal link



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Last Modified Date: 29 Oct 2024

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