Technologies Available for Licensing
A reusable sponge or foam made of a polymer such as polyurethane is prepared containing a plurality of different enzymes or a cross-linked complex of the plurality of enzymes for detoxification of a diverse array of hazardous chemicals such as organophosphorus and/or organosulfur compounds. The plurality of enzymes include enzymes selected from acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, triesterase, pseudocholinesterase, choline oxidase, peroxidase, organophosphate hydrolase, phosphotriesterase, paraoxonase and laccase. A preferred mixture of enzymes contains organophosphate hydrolase and acetylcholinesterase or butyrylcholinesterase. The sponge or foam may additionally contain carbon, an enzyme reactivation compound and/or an indicator for measuring capacity for detoxification. The indicator can be fluorescent, chemiluminescent or visible chromogen or an electrode, and be encapsulated in a liposome or crushable packet. The sponge or foam may be color-coded to indicate specific chemical detoxified, or to indicate enzymatic concentration, activity and/or remaining shelf-life. A kit is formed containing the sponge or foam and the compound for enzyme reactivation.
Docket:WRAIR 98-38
Publication/Issued No.:6,541,230
Publication/Issue Date:2003-04-01
Categories: Method,Treatment
More Detail:Visit USPTO.GOV
Inventor(s):GORDON, R.; DOCTOR, B.