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In at least one embodiment, a system includes an inhalation source; a plenum in fluid communication with the inhalation source; at least one challenge plethysmography mask in fluid communication with the plenum, for each challenge plethysmography mask including a mask having a cavity to receive at least a nose of a test animal, a delivery conduit in fluid communication with the plenum and the cavity of the mask, at least one exhaust conduit in fluid communication with the cavity of the mask and the plenum, and a pressure sensor attached to the mask to measure pressure within the cavity of the mask; at least one processor in electrical communication with the at least one pressure sensor, the processor configured to process an outmask put signal of the pressure sensor into respiratory data for each test animal during an exposure study; and an exhaust system in fluid communication with the plenum.

Docket:RIID 15-08-US02

Publication/Issued No.:11,027,086

Publication/Issue Date:2021-06-08

Categories: Device,System

More Detail:Visit USPTO.GOVExternal link


Inventor(s):BOWEN, L.

For Licensing Opportunities, please contact the ORTA at

Last Modified Date: 29 Oct 2024

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